Weaverville Fire Department Support Services
Minutes, Meeting June 3, 2015 5:00 p.m.
125 Bremer Street
I. Call to Order/Introductions: Called to order by President, Lisa Guglielmina at 5:02 p.m. Members present: Kathy, Betty, Marjie, Serena, Elizabeth, Larry H., Shellie, Tania, Herk, Bonnie, and Scott.
II. Approve Minutes of May 6, 2015 – MSC Brown/Boorman to approve the minutes of the May 6, 2015 meeting, as presented.
III. Reports:
A. President: (Lisa) – Lisa reported on Mother’s Day Rose sales, Bingo, and the Children’s Festival, and expressed thanks to those who helped. Assisted 3 families who did not have smoke detectors in their homes. With weather unpredictable, all members be prepared in case we are needed.
B. Treasurer: (Marjie) –Marjie reported on Bingo income – $199.50 for May.
C. Logistics: (Tania) No report.
IV. Action Items:
A. June 27 clean-up day; (Tania) Tania spoke of the scheduled station clean-up day for June 27 at 8:00 a.m. Scott will have a list of things which need to be done. A sign-up sheet was passed around.
B. July 4th weekend events and muster: (Lisa and Scott) – Scott; on Wednesday July 1st no meeting, however, come and finish preparing for the weekend events, making signs, and last minute touches. A sign-up sheet was passed around with various events. Lisa made flyers, Betty will distribute. Serena will advertise on Facebook. Lisa already talked with Pat Zugg and the events will be advertised through the Chamber on their calendar, plus they will put up our flyer.
C. Discussion on cleaning SCBA masks – Scott suggested to come down to the station after an incident to learn how to help with demobilization so we can take some of the burden off the firefighters.
D. Sponsorship (Elizabeth) – Larry H. reported; will need to get together on Monday June 22 from 1100 hrs. To 1300 hrs. Should have support services and firefighters join in to ask for a yearly donation. Lisa will break down the business areas, and come up with forms and have them for June 22. Discussion on sponsorship amounts: $100 will get an ad in the calendar and cookbook. $250 will get a six event ad, and $500 will get a year round ad at all events. Anything over $500.00, all of the benefits, plus possibly a certificate.
V. Committee Reports:
A. EMS Support (Serena) – Wednesday night training was to go through the bags. Supplies are needed, and the defib. Machine is missing
B. Station Maintenance (Tania) – If you happen to come to the station and see something that needs to be done, do it. There is always something to do. Lisa reported that Kathy has been coming in regularly and doing things here and there.
C. Equipment Fleet Maintenance: (Herk) – Equipment is running well; installed lights on the air trailer.
D. Web Technology: (Mike) – Lisa reported that Mike is keeping up on the website, and facebook.
E. Fundraiser (Larry H) – Open House fund raisers - $6 burger meal or 4 meals for $20 with a burger, bag of chips, cookie and a drink/50-50 raffle/$3 Root beer floats/ and bake sale items for $1.
F. Marketing (Betty) – Betty reported getting the bingo handouts put up around town.
VI. Open Forum and Topics for Next Meeting: Serena mentioned putting the sponsors on the screen during Bingo. No meeting on July 1st – come and make signs
VII. Adjourn: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m.